Wheeling Lampung, the Roller Skate Club in Lampung Province
Wheeling Lampung is one of the roller skating clubs from Bandarlampung that has won many achievements in various roller skating championships. "Wheeling Lampung is one of the roller skating clubs in Bandarlampung, but it is the only roller skating club in Bandarlampung that is categorized as freestyle," he said. Suci Aprodity, as the founder of Wheeling Lampung, Friday. Suci Aprodity, who is also a roller skating athlete in the freestyle category, explained that when she first joined the championship in Semarang, other regions had participants in the junior category, while at that time Lampung only had participants in the senior category.
"Wheeling Lampung was officially formed on January 19, 2013, the goal of this club is to regenerate juniors, because I want Lampung to also have roller skating athletes from the junior category," he said. According to him, Wheeling Lampung has participated in five regional level championships, 16 national level championships and 4 Asian level championships.
"We are actively participating in the championship, starting from the regional level to overseas in Shanghai, we have won quite a lot of medals, a total of 72 gold, 45 silver and 49 bronze," he said. According to him, the achievements made by club members made one of the schools in Bandarlampung is interested in making sports shoes an extracurricular activity.
"At SD IT Baitul Jannah we were an extracurricular activity, initially because there were students there who participated in Wheeling Lampung and often got medals so that the school knew and was interested," he said. So far, they have used Saburai Field and Srikandi Field, he also hopes to get support from the government.
Hal senada juga disampaikan oleh Syaiful Ahdan, orang tua dari anggota Wheeling Lampung, ia berharap pemerintah memberikan dukungan pada Wheeling Lampung karena melihat prestasi anggotanya yang sangat baik."Selama ini kami menggunakan dana sendiri, saya berharap pemerintah mendukung kegiatan Wheeling Lampung, sangat disayangkan jika ada anak yang sering mendapat medali tidak bisa ikut kejuaraan karena terkendala biaya," ujarnya.
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